indonesia emas

Your Reliable Partner in Industrial  Waste Management

Pituku understands that choosing a waste management vendor is not an easy thing and has a high risk to the sustainability of your company. By combining technology and commitment to sustainability, we have a vision to bring cost-effective, transparent, and safe services to companies in various industrial sectors. Pituku is a form of our dedication to the Indonesian nation in building a sustainable future towards the Golden Indonesia masterplan 2045.

Contact Us
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Pituku is an Exclusive Choice for Environmentally Conscious Business

Pituku is a company that only cooperates with companies that are responsible for the adverse impacts produced on the surrounding environment (environmentally conscious). Pituku already has recommendations from KLHK (Ministry of Environment and Forestry) for Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Waste, with a complete fleet and adequate infrastructure to provide the best customer experience in your industrial waste management.


24/7 layanan pelanggan
infrastruktur pengolahan & zero waste to landfill
armada terlengkap
laporan pengelolaan limbah
aplikasi transparan pitukuWm
aplikasi transparan pitukuwm
tim profesional tersertifikasi
Our Services Background

One Stop for Industrial Waste Management




Pituku has permits for more than 180 KLHK standard hazardous waste codes. Our complete fleet is ready to transport solid hazardous waste, liquid, and large volumes to the official standard processing of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. We also buy hazardous waste that has economic value such as metal, used batteries, used oil, at the best price.

In managing hazardous waste, we apply the principle of transparency to the safety of your company. PitukuWM is an application that you can use to monitor the process of waste that you produce and become the latest standard in industrial waste management







PITUKU WM: Latest Standard for Reporting
Waste Management for Modern Businesses

PitukuWM is an application that is only given to official Pituku partners who care about the environment. Transparency was our main point in building PitukuWM. You can view waste tonnage, transport schedules, transport requests, waste management activities, payments and cashback, and zero-waste-to-landfill planning generated automatically by studying your company's production patterns.

Automatic Waste Transport Contract

Schedule Waste Transport

Easy Payment Gateway

Check Waste Management Status and History

Waste Management Report

Real Time Notifications

our solution

Pituku's 3R Principles in Providing Exceptional Service

We are proud to have been part of an environmentally conscious company. All companies that work with Pituku have turned the adverse effects of waste into a blessing for many parties.



Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have 24/7. We are ready to provide real-time reports with communication on every waste management process in your company. We will respond promptly to operational, billing, payment and security issues in the process.

Don't hesitate to ask the Pituku team, we are ready to help you to manage waste responsibly.



Pituku is ready to be a reliable partner in your waste management. We guarantee that what we promise will be carried out to the best standards.



Pituku upholds the value of responsibility in service. We guarantee safety in your waste management, maximum transparency, and do not harm the environment.

We want you to be able to focus on running the company without worrying about the risks involved in your waste management.

Create Your Waste Management Plan

We are ready to provide the best service according to your needs

Check What You Need:

I need waste transport every week

I need several waste transport in one week

I need recurring waste pickup and/or recycling

I need a waste collection hub

I want to buy economical waste for processing

I have several locations that need waste services

I want to sell the economical waste I have

I need a one-time waste pickup or recycling

Our Achievement bg

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Pituku is committed to making a positive contribution in achieving sustainable development targets

Sustainable Development Goals
Commitment 1
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Clean Water and SanitationAir Bersih dan Sanitasi

Pituku helps prevent water pollution and maintain clean water quality through proper and regulatory liquid waste management.

Commitment 2

Life on Land

Pituku helps protect life on land by preventing soil and ecosystem pollution through the management of hazardous waste that can damage the environment.

Commitment 3

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Pituku presents innovative and advanced technology solutions to advance the waste management industry

Commitment 4

Affordable and Clean Energy

Pituku reduces the consumption of natural resources and energy through sustainable waste management practices by prioritizing waste recycling and reuse.

Commitment 5

Climate Action

Pituku reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts as a concrete action in climate change mitigation through appropriate waste management practices.

Hospital / Clinic


Restaurant / Food Service


Wholesale Stores / Retailers

School / University


Property / Construction Management

Companies that Use Our Services

our sector
Our Achievement bg

Our Achievements

We are proud to have been part of an environmentally conscious company. All companies that work with Pituku have turned the adverse effects of waste into a blessing for many parties.

By working with Pituku, you have contributed to a greener, neater, and decent environment for the community.

Those Who Already Trust Us

Media Exposure & Article

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Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Sludge IPAL Eatsambel dan Pituku
18 September 2024

Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Sludge IPAL Eatsambel dan Pituku

PT Nuansa Pedas Makmur, produsen terkemuka sambal kemasan merek Eatsambel, telah meraih kesuksesan sejak tahun 2018 dan mendapat julukan "Sambel Paling Viral" karena komitmennya terhadap kualitas dan inovasi dalam memenuhi selera masyarakat Indonesia. Menghadapi tantangan dalam pengelolaan limbah, Eatsambel memastikan limbah sisa produksinya berupa sludge IPAL yang termasuk kategori B3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun) ditangani secara profesional dan aman. Untuk itu, perusahaan ini mempercayakan pengelolaan limbahnya kepada Pituku, mitra terpercaya yang memiliki izin resmi dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, guna meminimalisir dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan manusia dan juga lingkungan.

Sinergi PT Nusantara Inti Solusindo dan Pituku dalam Pengelolaan Limbah
9 September 2024

Sinergi PT Nusantara Inti Solusindo dan Pituku dalam Pengelolaan Limbah

PT Nusantara Inti Solusindo adalah perusahaan yang menawarkan layanan fasilitas terintegrasi, termasuk hard service, soft & office service, serta specialize service seperti eco living dan waste collection. Untuk meningkatkan layanan waste collection service miliknya, PT Nusantara Inti Solusindo menjalin kerja sama dengan PT Pituku Cordova Internasional. Kolaborasi ini memanfaatkan teknologi PitukuWM untuk mendukung komitmen zero-waste-to-landfill, bertujuan menciptakan ekosistem ekonomi melingkar yang lebih efisien dan ramah lingkungan.

Pengangkutan Limbah Cair Non B3 Ragi bersama Pituku dan Multi Bintang Indonesia
2 September 2024

Pengangkutan Limbah Cair Non B3 Ragi bersama Pituku dan Multi Bintang Indonesia

Multi Bintang Indonesia, produsen minuman terkemuka yang merupakan bagian dari The HEINEKEN Company, telah dikenal selama lebih dari 90 tahun di Indonesia dengan merek ikonik seperti BINTANG dan Heineken®. Proses produksi minuman bir mereka menghasilkan limbah cair non B3 ragi yang memerlukan pengelolaan yang tepat. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, Multi Bintang Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Pituku dalam pengangkutan dan pengelolaan limbah ragi. Kemitraan ini mencerminkan komitmen perusahaan terhadap keberlanjutan dan strategi “Brew a Better World”, yang bertujuan menciptakan masa depan yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan.